Creativity is a process not the outcome. In other word, creativity can be generated. There are many tools that can be used to generate ideas for creativity. QADIM or Quick and Dirty Method that is created by SMU Singapore is one of the creativity method that is used to generate ideas. Basically, the idea of using QADIM is we try to fill in the requirements in the table below.
Increase size
Add a feature
Embed existing product into another product
Combine two products into one
Existing product
Separate existing
Embed another product into existing product
Remove a feature
Reduce size

The usage of QADIM can be seen in infographic in figure 1. Meanwhile, the activity in class by using QADIM can be seen in figure 2.

Figure 1 shows the ideas of using QADIM as stated by SMU Singapore.

Figure 2 shows the usage of QADIM in creating a new ideas for ordinary water bottle.


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