Each of group required to conduct games based on their creativity. The game must be related on what we learnt which is ‘critical thinking’. Each group will lead the games and the others will be the participant.
FIRST GAME (HAZIM’S GROUP) - Alphabet Games and Illustrate Games
Group members: Hazim, Afiq Yusof, Salam, Syafiq, Amirun, Ahmad Afiq.
The concept of their games are fun and interactive games that relate to IT scope. Their objectives are to make students think accurately and quickly according to the question that the host asked for. Other than that, they want to acknowledge students about information technology and to create teamwork among the group students. For this game materials that have been used are slides, stopwatch, paper and picture of hardware and software.
For Alphabet Games, the host asked one of the member of each group to pick the random alphabet in the bowl. Then, she or he will tell the alphabet to their group member and they required to answer it quickly. The time given to guess is 10 minutes. If the group did not manage to answer then the host give the chances to another group to answer it.
Next, for the game named ‘Illustrate Hardware or Software’, one of the member from the group participant will illustrate the picture given by the host on their pc on software or hardware. All members from his or her group will guess the answer. Time illustrate to guess is 40 seconds.

Group A discussed among teammates

The problems that they faced are some of the participant did not obey on their rules of the games. And the participant keep guessing on the answer until they manage to get the correct answer and it seems not fair to the other group. Throughout the game was held, the participant played well and give positive feedback. And the activity went well even if there are problems and constraints.
The activity required students or participant to think critically and it can improve the creativity on how to solve the problems to get the right answer. However, the games run smoothly J
Group B discussed among teammates.

SECOND GAME (MY GROUP HEHE) – Floating Balloon and Paper Loop
Group Members: Hana, Hani, Izni Hawa, Fadhilah, Kamaliah, Ainna
The concept for this game is to stimulate the thinking skill of the audience. Other than that, it can enhance the audience teamwork. Our objectives are to promote the audience thinking skill to the next level. Besides, analyse, measure and improve the audience teamwork’s level to solve the problems given.
‘Floating Balloon’
Material that being used is just the balloons J

For this game, each of team received 1 balloon that had been blew and 3 balloons that doesn’t. Each of team member have to make sure the balloon that had blown float in the air using the other 3 balloons. Each of team member also need to use their own way to make sure that the balloon float higher.

                                                                   Materials preparation         


‘Paper Loop’
Materials that being used are scissors and A4 papers.
Each team received a pair of scissor and A4 paper. They have to cut the A4 paper to become a loop. They have to think how to put all the members inside the loop so that the loop must be bigger. If all the members can fit in the loop in the given time without let the loop tore so the group will be the winner!!!
Ideas implementation       

                                                    Me, monitoring the participants J

Even if there are some problems and constraints such as the audience underestimate the rules given and they tend to break the rules. They also show unethical behaviour where the audience cheated. But the participants fully participated in the game where they have to think critically in order to win the game. This game was held quite successful yayyy!!!
Critical thinking might be described as the ability to engage in reflective and independent thinking. We used two game that implemented the critical thinking to solve the problem by using only paper and scissor for the first game to make a loop and second one floating the balloon using a balloon. This two games challenged the player to think fast yet critically how it is done and how to win the game. Instead of winning it, player also manipulated the game so they can defeat the opponent. They have to use the critical thinking skills and apply it to win the game.



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